CoMac Analytics is committed to quality peer-reviewed scientific research.
- Connor, U., Antón, M., Goering, E., Lauten, K., Roach, P., Hayat, A., Balunda, S. (2012). Listening to patients’ voices: Linguistic indicators related to diabetes self-management. Communication & Medicine, 9(1), 1-12.
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Listening to patients’ voices- Linguistic indicators related to diabetes self-management
- Connor, U., & Lauten, K. (2014). A linguistic analysis of diabetes patients’ talk: Reported adherence to healthy behaviors. In H. Hamilton & W.S. Chou (Eds.), The Routledge handbook of language and health communication (pp. 91-108). New York: Routledge.
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A linguistic analysis of diabetes patients’ talk: Reported adherence to healthy behaviors
- Clark, C.M., Connor, U., Lauten, K., Mac Neill, R., & Sandy, R. (2012). A linguistic approach to improving self-care and compliance. Journal for Patient Compliance, 2(4), 20-22.
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A linguistic approach to improving self-care and compliance
- Sandy, R., & Connor, U. (2015). Variation in medication adherence across patient behavioral segments: A multi-country study in hypertension. Patient Preference and Adherence.
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- Connor, U., Neill, R. M., Mzumara, H., Sandy, R. (2015). Development of the CoMac Adherence Descriptor™: A linguistically based survey for segmenting patients on their worldviews. Patient Preference and Adherence, 9: 509–515. PubMed PMID: 25848230. PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4381900
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- Bartlett Ellis, R. J., Connor, U., & Marshall, J. (2014). Development of patient-centric linguistically tailored psychoeducational messages to support nutrition and medication self-management in type 2 diabetes: a feasibility study. Patient Preference and Adherence, 8, 1399-1408. PubMed PMID: 25336928; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4199751
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- Connor, U., Kessler, L., de Groot, M., et al. (in press). CoMac communication system: A feasibility implementation of language-centered intervention in T2DM. Diabetes (Suppl. 1).
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CoMac communication system: A feasibility implementation of language-centered intervention in T2DM
- Connor, U., Kessler, L., de Groot, M., et al. (submitted). Implementing person-centered segmentation and communication in a diabetes care clinic: focus on patient language